Lucy Nychai

I feel that my vocation is to stimulate a responsible ecosystem among artists

and society as a whole through artistic interventions and interactions. I am interested in

the future, in a particular technology, and I am fascinated by the past in which the

elements and man interacted on equal terms. In my curatorial, artistic, and social

practices, I always look for the perfect balance between them.

Intuition. Seagull anxiety

Analog graphics, Video motion, Sound/ 40,4 Mb

Seagulls are considered a synanthropic species – they live near humans and benefit from it. The alarming cry of seagulls announces the approach of the storm, and people benefit from it too. My premonitions were lingering and muffled as if a flock of seagulls had settled inside me. Feb-March 2022

Intuition. Penguin of York Bay

Analog graphics, Video motion, Sound/ 45,8 Mb

These birds live in a minefield, but their ecosystem is more threatened by human activities. Demining can destroy their environment, only human intervention disturbs the penguins and they cry anxiously to protect their nest. Paradoxically, they owe a wonderful ecosystem to one of the most terrible human catastrophes – war. Feb-March 2022

Twitter about #ClosedSky

Analog graphics, Video motion, Sound/ 90,8 Mb

In March, many people spoke into microphones on stages, in squares, in different languages on different continents about the “closed sky”. And each voice sounded like air defense, they echoed like Ukrainian nightingales.

Azov - steel!

Analog graphics, Video motion, Sound/ 80,9 Mb

I dedicate this work to the soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine

This work is not about birds. This is my cry, this is my weak voice, this is an appeal…

No living thing in the civilized world deserves to be buried alive. The highest level of the savagery of attack and violation of all human rights and prohibited conduct by world conventions is the reality of my country in the heart of the European continent.

Each game has rules to determine the stronger one. And war is the same game.

Someone drops phosphorus bombs, but someone stronger. Attack on my country, occupation, and annexation forges from our army unconquered, creates new legends. 

Today it is “Azov – steel!” – still alive.

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